Konseling adalah proses wawancara tatap muka antara dua orang (konselor dan klien) yang bertujuan untuk memberikan bantuan kepada klien, sehingga klien dapat  menyelesaikan permasalahannya dan lebih berkembang dalam kehidupan sekarang dan masa depannya.

Psikoterapi ialah pengobatan penyakit dengan cara kebatinan atau penerapan teknis khusus pada penyembuhan penyakit mental atau pada kesulitan-kesulitan penyesuaian diri setiap hari, atau penyembuhan lewat keyakinan agama dan diskusi personal dengan para guru atau teman.


a. Persamaan Psikoterapi dan Konseling
Persamaan antara konseling dan psikoterapi adalah membantu dan memberikan perubahan,
perbaikan kepada klien (yaitu, eksplorasi-diri, pemahaman-diri, dan perubahan tindakan/perilaku) agar klien dapat sehat dan normal dalam menjalani hidup dan kehidupannya.
Keduanya juga merupakan bantuan yang diberikan dengan mencoba menghilangkan tingkah laku merusak-diri (self-defeating) pada klien.
b. Perbedaan
Perbedaan antara konseling dan psikoterapi adalah:
  • Konseling
  1. Berpusat pandang masa kini dan masa yang akan datang melihat dunia klien.
  2. klien tidak dianggap sakit mental dan hubungan antara konselor dan klien itu sebagai teman yaitu mereka bersama-sama melakukan usaha untuk tujuan-tujuan tertentu, terutama bagi orang yang ditangani tersebut.
  3. konselor mempunyai nilai-nilai dan sebagainya, tetapi tidak akan memaksakannya kepada individu yang dibantunya konseling berpusat pada pengubahan tingkah laku, teknik-teknik yag dipakai lebih bersifat manusiawi.
  4. konselor bekerja dengan individu yang normal yang sedang mengalami masalah.

  • Psikoterapi
  1. Berpusat pandang pada masa yang lalu-melihat masa kini individu,
  2. klien dianggap sakit mental.
  3. klien dianggap sebagai orang sakit dan ahli psikoterapi (terapis) tidak akan pernah meminta orang yang ditolongnya itu untuk membantu merumuskan tujuan-tujuan,
  4. Terapis berusaha memaksakan nilai-nilai dan sebagainya itu kepada orang yang ditolongnya.
  5. Psikoterapis berpusat pada usaha pengobatan teknik-teknik yang dipakai adalah yang telah diresepkan,
  6. terapi bekerja dengan “dunia dalam” dari kehidupan individu yang sedang mengalami masalah berat, psikologi dalam memegang peranan.



a.Pengertian Psikoterapi

Apa itu Psikoterapi?

Psikoterapi adalah usaha penyembuhan untuk masalah yang berkaitan dengan pikiran, perasaan dan perilaku, merupakan salah satu modalitas terapi yang terandalkan dalam tatalaksana pasien psikiatri disamping psikofarmaka dan terapi fisik. Psikoterapi (Psychotherapy) berasal dari dua kata, yaitu "Psyche" yang artinya jiwa, pikiran atau mental dan "Therapy" yang artinya penyembuhan, pengobatan atau perawatan. Oleh karena itu, psikoterapi disebut juga dengan istilah terapi kejiwaan, terapi mental, atau terapi pikiran.

Orang yang melakukan psikoterapi disebut Psikoterapis (Psychotherapist). Seorang psikoterapis bisa dari kalangan dokter, psikolog atau orang dari latar belakang apa saja yang mendalami ilmu psikologi dan mampu melakukan psikoterapi

Psikoterapi merupakan proses interaksi formal antara dua pihak atau lebih, yaitu antara klien dengan psikoterapis yang bertujuan memperbaiki keadaan yang dikeluhkan klien. Seorang psikoterapis dengan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan psikologisnya akan membantu klien mengatasi keluhan secara profesional dan legal.

Mengapa Psikoterapi penting dipelajari?

Psikoterapi merupakan alat yang dapat membantu dan penting dipelajari khususnya oleh dokter dan para profesional lain yang berperan dalam kesehatan dan kesehatan jiwa, namun perlu pula diingat bahwa teknik dan metodenya yang tertentu dan bermacam-macam tersebut memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama untuk dapat dipelajari dan dipraktekkan dengan baik. Tentunya, dengan hanya membaca buku ajar yang singkat ini tidaklah mungkin mencakup keseluruhan hal mengenai psikoterapi, namun setidaknya prinsip-prinsip dasar psikoterapi dapat dipahami, untuk dapat diaplikasikan dalam praktek sehari-hari, sehingga dapat turut menunjang upaya peningkatan mutu pelayanan kepada pasien.

Ada beberapa aspek yang  berkenaan dengan proses psikoterapi, yaitu:
1.      Behavioral management shapping
2.      Emotional and psychological
3.      Intellectual and spititual
4.      Life skill

Ada tiga ciri utama psikoterapi, yaitu:
-        -  Dari segi proses :  berupa interaksi antara dua pihak, formal, profesional, legal dan menganut kode etik psikoterapi.
-         - Dari segi tujuan : untuk mengubah kondisi psikologis seseorang, mengatasi masalah psikologis atau meningkatkan potensi psikologis yang sudah ada.
-          - Dari segi tindakan: seorang psikoterapis melakukan tindakan terapi berdasarkan ilmu psikologi modern yang sudah teruji efektivitasnya.

B.      Tujuan Psikoterapi

1.      Right living:  Mendapatkan hak dalam hidup
2.      Healthy life: Membiasakan hidup sehat
3.      Normative life: hidup sesuai dengan norma dan aturan yang berlaku.
Pada intinya dengan adanya proses psikoterapi seorang terapis ingin mengembalikan pasiennya kepada kebiasaan hidup yang normal pada umumnya yang berlaku, sehingga pasien bisa diterima dan tidak dianggap menyimpang.

Psikoterapi didasarkan pada fakta bahwa aspek-aspek mental manusia seperti cara berpikir, proses emosi, persepsi, believe system, kebiasaan dan pola perilaku bisa diubah dengan pendekatan psikologis. Tujuan psikoterapi antara lain:
  • Menghapus, mengubah atau mengurangi gejala gangguan psikologis.
  • Mengatasi pola perilaku yang terganggu.
  • Meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kepribadian yang positif.
  • Memperkuat motivasi klien untuk melakukan hal yang benar.
  • Menghilangkan atau mengurangi tekanan emosional.
  • Memodifikasi struktur kognisi (pola pikiran).
  • Membangun kemandirian dan ketegaran untuk menghadapi masalah.
  • Penyesuaian lingkungan sosial demi tercapai perubahan dan masih banyak lagi
C.     Tahapan-tahapan Terapis

1.      Talking cure: mengungkap hal tidak terungkap
2.      Hypnosis: memberikan sugesti sesuai dengan masalah yang diderita pasien
3.      Relaksasi: Membuat keadaan saraf dan otak  menjadi santai
4.      Visualisasi: Mengantarkan kepada realitas
5.      Katarsis: membuat pasien sadar dan terbangun dari masalahnya yang dialaminya
6.      Insight: Perenungan
7.      Relaksasi kembali
8.      Diskusi: Mengajak untuk terbuka pikiran dan hati

D.      Macam-Macam Proses Terapi

1.         Individual Therapy disebut dengan Emotional Focused Therapy. Bisa dilakukan dengan cara:
a. Psiko edukasi: memberikan tutorial, nonton film atau semacamnya yang berkenaan dengan permasalahan klien
b. Konseling: mengeluarkan unek-unek, meringankan beban masalah, bahkan menemukan jalan keluar, dan memutuskan suatu perkara
c. Home work: memberikan tugas rumah agar klien lebih bertanggung jawab, termotivasi, dan termonitoring.

2          Couple Therapy disebut dengan Emotional Focused Couple Therapy. Dilakukan dengan cara mempertemukan kedua belah pihak selaku klien. Biasanya terjadinya ketika hubungan suami istri mengalami masalah. Suami istri tersebut diberikan waktu untuk mengungkapkan permasalahannya dari sudut pandang yang ia miliki, sehingga nanti akan terlihat akar permasalahan dengan jelas. Selaku terapis kita harus brsikap netral dengan cara memandang masalah dri dua sudut pandang yang berbeda. Setelah akar permasalahan jelas, kita berikan untuk kepada pasangan tersebut mengenal hal-hal apa saja yang mereka inginkan. Diskusi dan beri tugas rumah. Kurang lebih pelaksanaanya bisa dilakukan seperti itu.

3.         Group therapy, dilakukan dengan cara membuat lingkaran jangan sampai ada yg membelakangi. Buat aturan main dan sepakti bersama. Setelah itu 

F.         Metode Psikoterapi

Ada banyak metode psikoterapi yang bisa diterapkan, diantaranya adalah Psychoanalysis, Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Behaviour Therapy, Body-Oriented Psychotherapy, Expressive Therapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, Narrative Therapy, Conditioning, Mental Imagery, Neurolinguistic Programming, Laughter Therapy, Self Programming, Spiritual Therapy, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Relaxation Therapy, Forgiveness Therapy, Trance Psychotherapy,  Neurofeedback dan masih banyak lagi.


Paranoid Personality Disorder Symptoms

People with paranoid personality disorder are generally characterized by having a long-standing pattern of pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others.  A person with paranoid personality disorder will nearly always believe that other people’s motives are suspect or even malevolent.

Individuals with this disorder assume that other people will exploit, harm, or deceive them, even if no evidence exists to support this expectation. While it is fairly normal for everyone to have some degree of paranoia about certain situations in their lives (such as worry about an impending set of layoffs at work), people with paranoid personality disorder take this to an extreme — it pervades virtually every professional and  personal relationship they have.
Individuals with Paranoid Personality Disorder are generally difficult to get along with and often have problems with close relationships. Their excessive suspiciousness and hostility may be expressed in overt argumentativeness, in recurrent complaining, or by quiet, apparently hostile aloofness. Because they are hypervigilant for potential threats, they may act in a guarded, secretive, or devious manner and appear to be “cold” and lacking in tender feelings. Although they may appear to be objective, rational, and unemotional, they more often display a labile range of affect, with hostile, stubborn, and sarcastic expressions predominating. Their combative and suspicious nature may elicit a hostile response in others, which then serves to confirm their original expectations.
Because individuals with Paranoid Personality Disorder lack trust in others, they have an excessive need to be self-sufficient and a strong sense of autonomy. They also need to have a high degree of control over those around them. They are often rigid, critical of others, and unable to collaborate, and they have great difficulty accepting criticism.
A personality disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates from the norm of the individual’s culture. The pattern is seen in two or more of the following areas: cognition; affect; interpersonal functioning; or impulse control. The enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations. It typically leads to significant distress or impairment in social, work or other areas of functioning. The pattern is stable and of long duration, and its onset can be traced back to early adulthood or adolescence.

Symptoms of Paranoid Personality Disorder

Paranoid personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent. This usually begins in early adulthood and presents in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the  following:
  • Suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her
  • Is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associates
  • Is reluctant to confide in others because of unwarranted fear that the information will be used maliciously against him or her
  • Reads hidden demeaning or threatening meanings into benign remarks or events
  • Persistently bears grudges (i.e., is unforgiving of insults, injuries, or slights)
  • Perceives attacks on his or her character or reputation that are not apparent to others, and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack
  • Has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding fidelity of spouse or sexual partner
Paranoid personality disorder generally isn’t diagnosed when another psychotic disorder, such as schizophrenia or a bipolar or depressive disorder with psychotic features, has already been diagnosed in the person.
Because personality disorders describe long-standing and enduring patterns of behavior, they are most often diagnosed in adulthood. It is uncommon for them to be diagnosed in childhood or adolescence, because a child or teen is under constant development, personality changes and maturation. However, if it is diagnosed in a child or teen, the features must have been present for at least 1 year.
Paranoid personality disorder is more prevalent in males than females, and occurs somewhere between 2.3 and 4.4 percent in the general population.
Like most personality disorders, paranoid personality disorder typically will decrease in intensity with age, with many people experiencing few of the most extreme symptoms by the time they are in the 40s or 50s.

How is Paranoid Personality Disorder Diagnosed?

Personality disorders such as  paranoid personality disorder are typically diagnosed by a trained mental health professional, such as a psychologist or  psychiatrist. Family physicians and general practitioners are generally not trained or well-equipped to make this type of psychological diagnosis. So while you can initially consult a family physician about this problem, they should refer you to a mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment. There are no laboratory, blood or genetic tests that are used to diagnose paranoid personality disorder.
Many people with paranoid personality disorder don’t seek out treatment. People with personality disorders, in general, do not often seek out treatment until the disorder starts to significantly interfere or otherwise impact a person’s life. This most often happens when a person’s coping resources are stretched too thin to deal with stress or other life events.
A diagnosis for  paranoid  personality disorder is made by a mental health professional comparing your symptoms and life history with those listed here. They will make a determination whether your symptoms meet the criteria necessary for a personality disorder diagnosis.

Causes of Paranoid Personality Disorder

Researchers today don’t know what causes paranoid personality disorder.  There are many theories, however, about the possible causes of paranoid   personality disorder.  Most professionals subscribe to a biopsychosocial model of causation — that is, the causes of  are likely due to biological and genetic factors, social factors (such as how a person interacts in their early development with their family and friends and other children), and psychological factors (the individual’s personality and temperament, shaped by their environment and learned coping skills to deal with stress). This suggests that no single factor is responsible — rather, it is the complex and likely intertwined nature of all three factors that are important. If a person has this personality disorder, research suggests that there is a slightly increased risk for this disorder to be “passed down” to their children.

Treatment of Paranoid Personality Disorder

Treatment of  paranoid personality disorder  typically involves long-term psychotherapy with a therapist that has experience in treating this kind of personality disorder. Medications may also be prescribed to help with specific troubling and debilitating symptoms.

ups! sorry for the spam :3 mihihi

Paranoid Personality Disorder Symptoms, By Psych Central Staff 

7 Essential Lessons to Feel More Happiness in Your Life

We spoke with Gabby Bernstein, author of the new book Miracles Now, for life lessons on beating stress, eliminating fear, and feeling more joy.
If given the choice to be happy or fearful, I believe we'd all jump into the happy bus blasting our fear into fumes. The only problem: We can't always find our ticket to drive. I sat down with motivational speaker, life coach, and author, Gabrielle Bernstein, to discuss the best way to kick fear to the curb and waltz into the future with our happiness. This amazing lady happens to have a new book, called Miracles Now: 108 Life-Changing Tools for Less Stress, More Flow, and Finding Your True Purpose, that tackles all of these common problems with simple and effective solutions. Sound good? Read on for my Q&A with Gabrielle:
Kathryn: What's one sneaky thing that drains our happiness and how can you fix it?
Gabrielle: Fear is the sneaky thing that drains our happiness. We get so hooked into the fears from our past and the fears of the future that we disconnect with the present moment. I love this acronym for fear: F Everything and Run, because the moment fear arises we immediately avoid feeling it. But when we run from fear, we often turn to bad habits to anesthetize the discomfort. When we run we avoid, and this creates a fear cycle that becomes our reality. When we're stuck in fearful beliefs, we're blocking our energy flow, our connection to others, and our happiness.
The key to creating more happiness is to release the fears that hold us back. How do you do that? A great place to start is with this exercise from my new book, Miracles Now. Every time you feel your thoughts go into fearful attack mode, say out loud 'Happiness is a choice I make.' Make that your mantra. The more you retrain yourself to choose happiness over fear, the more blissful you will be. Repeating that behavior is what makes it stick.
Kathryn: What's something you can do in one minute to improve your life?
The one-minute wonder is to breathe. There's a Kundalini meditation called "the one minute breath." This simple meditation can change your life. For one minute, you take 20 seconds to inhale, hold it for 20 seconds, then take 20 seconds to exhale.
If you're new to yogic breath, it's likely that the 20-second cycle will be hard. It's just as powerful if you breathe in for five seconds, hold for five seconds and exhale for five seconds (for up to a minute or more), then you can work up to 20 seconds. This meditation dramatically calms anxiety, fear and worry. 

Kathryn: What's your favorite in-the-moment stress buster?
Another great tip from Miracles Now is this meditation for beginners. I call it, Peace is in your Pulse.
Meditation has proven to be one of the most valuable tools for reducing stress. Many people want to meditate but don't know where to begin. An easy way to begin meditation and access peace is through your pulse. Just by meditating on your own pulse you can calm your mind, balance your brain hemispheres, and recalibrate your nervous system.
Through this simple meditation you can develop your ability to concentrate. It will also help you control your reactions in all situations and bring calm to even the most scattered mind. First, sit comfortably in your chair and lightly close your eyes. The hand position is simple: Place the four fingers of your right hand on your left wrist and feel your pulse. The fingers are in a straight line, lightly pressed on the wrist so you can feel your pulse in each fingertip. On each beat of your pulse, mentally recite the words: "peace, now."
You can do this meditation during your commute to work, before a big date or at any moment throughout the day when you feel yourself getting stressed out.

Kathryn: How can you not only create intention but stay motivated to pursue it?
I believe the best way to stay motivated to pursue an intention is to commit to it first thing in the morning. Upon waking set your intention, "Today I am committed to pursuing this goal _______." Put it out there and make a commitment the moment you wake up. Your morning intention will dictate the direction you flow in for the rest of the day. Start off with the right vibes and you will be carried. Then throughout the day when you notice yourself misaligned with your intention, simply say to yourself, "I recommit to this intention now."
What you focus on grows. Practice committing to your intentions throughout the day and your follow through will be awesome!
Kathryn: What are some things women should do to avoid burnout?
Learn how to say NO! My best friend Latham Thomas always says, "No is a complete sentence." It's very easy to get caught up in the behavior of people pleasing, which inevitably leads to burnout. Practice saying no with love. Don't be afraid that you'll let people down. Trust that the more you honor your own needs the more energy you will have to support others.

MORE: Are You Headed for a Nervous Breakdown?
Kathryn: How can you combat negative comments to preserve your drive and happiness?
Have compassion for these folks. Let's face it: Happy people don't post negative comments on the web or put you down to your face. Compassion will reconnect you to a sense of oneness and defenselessness, which will help you put down the boxing gloves and settle into a new perspective. Just let go fully and forgive. To really seal the deal, I suggest you use prayer. Simply say, "I pray to forgive you and release you." Then feel free to block or delete the user or hide the comment. If you have the power to clear the feed, let that become part of your practice. And when you're dealing with Internet haters there's no reason to let negative comments linger. Simply forgive and delete.
Kathryn: I always teach my students to 'aim true'. What does this mean for you?
First off, I LOVE this message. I believe that our truth is our greatest source of power. The sexiest thing about us is our authentic truth! For me, "aim true" means that I commit to a daily practice of releasing all the fear and negativity that blocks me from being myself. Aim true means that I must always bring my truth to all situations, relationships, and encounters. Aim true means that I am always on a path of personal growth and expansion.
For more awesome tips, check out Gabby's new book, Miracles Now, 108 Life-changing Tools for Less Stress, More Flow and Finding Your True Purpose

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Maira Gall